For the 2025 Dive Season
We will have two options for registration:
Questions? Contact the Mansion House Dive Rep, at
(Registration is open):
To register online, please click HERE and follow the prompts attached to the “Register Now” button.
Mansion House Club encourages it's members to register online. Payments are made in a safe and secure setting. Visa, MasterCard and AMX are accepted. Please remember to login with your MHC primary login & Password, if you cannot remember your login and password, please contact the WebAdmin. Please DO NOT create a new login and password, you will not be able to register for this event unless you are tagged as a MHC active member. Only the email address associated with the primary account holder will be able to be used to register i.e. the email address that was used when you became a MHC member.
Price for 2025 is as follows:
One diver = $275, each additional diver added is $225ea.
Forms required for registration:
NVSL Waiver Statement (required): Provided as part of the online registration
MHC Photo/Image Use Consent Form (required): Provided as part of the online registration