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swim, tennis & dive


Welcome to the Mansion House Swim Team, Home of the Piranhas!

Join in on all the fun, join the swim team! 

Grab your MHC Spirit Wear today! Gear is for both the Swim Team and all of MHC!

mhc tennis

Welcome to the MHC Tennis Program.

There are opportunities to participate for every age and skill level. 

For children just starting out, this is a fantastic opportunity to learn the fundamentals from experienced coaches and have fun while learning this life-long sport. 

dive Team

The MHC Dive Team is looking forward to another great season.  Join the fun today! Click the Dive Team logo above!


  • Daily 11AM - 9PM
    (Pool closes 6pm on July 4th)

  • Pool Opens the Saturday of  Memorial Day weekend (May), and last day pool is open is Labor Day (September).  Check the exact dates on your calendar, remember they change every year. 

    Please note that Pool can be closed for scheduled swim meets, social events or inclement weather. Be sure to check the event page!

    The Shareholder, lease/rental Check-in Process at the pool is to tell the front desk your last name and member number upon arrival. 

    - Guest policy $5 per guest.
    MHC Members - Complimentary Guest Passes will be available on June 1st for pickup at the front desk- If you have guests coming with you to the pool prior to that date, guest passes will need to be purchased for each one of your guests. This policy starts on the day the pool opens (May, Memorial Day weekend).

    The age requirement for guest passes is five (5) years old and older. Age Four (4) years and younger does not require a guest pass. They are the responsibility of the Member. All guests must be accompanied by a MHC Shareholder or lease/renter at all times.  

    **Guest policy subject to change due to COVID-19

    Lost and found will be thrown away Friday night starting first Friday, in June.
    Food Policy:
    Please note that food is NOT allowed on the pool deck or edge of the pool. Food is ONLY allowed on the grass and at the tables. NO glass allowed at the pool EVER! Please click pool rules below to read more. 

    For more important house keeping information look here.

    Pool Rules

We have several events that will require the pool to be closed or to have modified times/ lanes during regular operating hours throughout the season.  In the event of this these dates will be listed in our online events calendar

 Thank you for a great 

Reminder that Annual Dues are owed by COB 15 March 2025.
Starting 16 March a late fee of $50 will be added to all invoices that are not paid.  

A reminder of MHC POOL RULES... 

PS. to all Shareholders, Leasers, and Renters: Do not store adult beverages in the kitchen refrigerator 
(this is open to the public and 'little' hands have access to it.)
Thank you

Upcoming events
These are only some of the events / Visit the Events page to view all the events!


Search by SWIM or DIVE, then by Pool Name

Have a question about MHC and just don't know who to ask? 
You can email your question to the MHC Secretary. They will forward your question on to the appropriate person for you. 


Be sure to also check our social media pages for updates on meeting dates. Links to all our social media sites can be found below. 

Know Before You Go! 

Sign up for text message alerts of pool closures on RainedOut. This free service allows you to receive text message or email alerts when the pool closes for inclement weather and when it reopens.

Join Mansion House Club Swim, Tennis & Dive Text Alerts on RainedOut


9321 Old Mount Vernon Road,
Alexandria, VA 22309

Call Us:
(703) 780-6485

MHC Billing Address:
Mansion House Club
P.O. Box 30
Mt. Vernon, VA 22121

© Mansion House Club

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software